(925) 323-2436
Plaster, Paint, Murals

Venetian And Shimmer
Venetian Plasters and Shimmering Plasters are certainly the top of the line and hottest looks available on the market. These extraordinary hand-troweled finishes are layered for depth and movement making them visually interesting and captivating. Traditionally, plasters have best results when applied over smooth walls, however, I have some effective methods of handling plasters on textured walls with beautiful results. Shimmering Plasters add stunning luminescence and are the next step up from traditional matte and polished plasters.

Exceeding Expectations
Faux Finish is a broad description of any paint and/or glaze related treatments designed to change the atmosphere of a room. Faux finishes can transform a space cost-effectively.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Murals are a wonderful way to add style and personality to your space. Children’s themes are still very popular, however, murals have appeal in grown up tastes too. I personally love creating a uniquely original artwork to meet a particular need.